Contact Us

telephone 0333 990 0102*
*non-geographic landline [g21] call with BT; standard charges apply, i.e., of: 5p daytime, 2p evening and 1.25p weekend (approximately/per minute)
part of any inclusive [landline] minutes with mobile bundles
We have property and services over a wide area and provide one number for initial enquiries that is suited to calls from landlines and particularly mobiles
Contact us by email | fax: 034 5387 5387email: not using the contact form on the left) or: SURVEY@BLACK-SQUARE.CO.UK (as appropriate) or: (for any other matter) hours of business 9AM to 6+PM: Weekday (lines often open till 7.30PM) 10AM to 4PM: Saturday 10AM to 2PM: Sunday |